My Visitor and Resident Map
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I am participating in #DigPINS and our first week is about digital identity. We were asked to create a Visitors and Residents Map which is a nice visual way of describing the way we interact and engage with different tools on the web.
Here is mine:

I chose to include Youtube and Podcasts on this map, because even though I consume that stuff more than I create it, I have dabbled with producing podcasts and Youtube videos (for work).
This also makes the block representing blogging and my own website kind of confusing. I do have my own domain (hey you’re on it!) and it is one of the firs things you will encounter when you Google my name, but I haven’t written much here. In addition to this I spend quite a bit of time reading other blogs and newsfeeds using an RSS reader, so in total I spend much more time reading than I do writing which is why Blogs and RSS are in all four of the quadrants of my map.